Wednesday, March 16, 2011

would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

just installed my low beams today with a set of 35w 6k, now i am thinking about getting HID for the fogs, would a 55w kit be overkill or is there anything i should be aware of before changing it out to HIDs?


Reply 1 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

i have 55w, 5k kit in both fog and low beam. nice and bright and surprisingly haven't had any on-coming traffic complain.

i get flashed for my stock xenon on my 3-series bmw all the time.

Reply 2 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

To simply answer your question, I'd say 'yes,' or at least 'probably.' That being said, your van, knock yourself out. I like overkill. The only thing I'd be concerned about is glare from it being too bright, but I don't think you'd know for sure until you tried it.

Reply 3 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

my goal for the 55w 3k fogs is mainly for visibility

since it is aim low to the ground. i'd figure it won't piss other drivers off as much since it illuminates mainly the ground in front of me.

say for instance if i get a 55v kit and i don't like the result, can i plug my 6k low beams into the 55v ballast?

thank you for the insights, btw, ACSROB, where did you stick the ballast for the fogs?

Reply 4 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

i zipped tied everything together to a solid point i can find... that's the hard part of the install. lol

Reply 5 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

HIDs in foglights will blind oncoming traffic. The beam pattern in the HIDs are very different than those of regular halogen bulbs and will cause glare to your fellow driver.

Reply 6 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?


Originally Posted by humanoid
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HIDs in foglights will blind oncoming traffic. The beam pattern in the HIDs are very different than those of regular halogen bulbs and will cause glare to your fellow driver.

anything i can do to increase visibility without screwing with other drivers sight when it comes to the fogs?

I'd take it that HID in the fogs are not a good idea?

Reply 7 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

Yeah, HIDs in fogs not a good idea. Are you actually using fogs for their intended use are using it for extra lighting at night? If it's the latter then getting yellow bulbs will cut through the fog better than other color bulbs. If it's for the former then I would suggest maybe adding some driving lights somewhere to light up the road better for you.

Reply 8 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?


Originally Posted by humanoid
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Yeah, HIDs in fogs not a good idea. Are you actually using fogs for their intended use are using it for extra lighting at night? If it's the latter then getting yellow bulbs will cut through the fog better than other color bulbs. If it's for the former then I would suggest maybe adding some driving lights somewhere to light up the road better for you.

actually i am happy with my lights now, just thought while i was at it i might as well swap out the fogs to "supposedly" make them better for night driving

i guess i will stick with my stocks for now for the fogs and get the switchback led turn signals


Reply 9 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

If you use LED turn signals for the rear they might not be bright enough in bright daylight and you'll also get hyper blinking because your car will think that a bulb is out because LEDs draw less power than halogen bulbs.

Reply 10 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

Will any kind of HID for our fog lights cause glare? If, for example, I use the 3k-5k for my fogs will that cause glare too? As much as possible, I don't want to blind on-coming traffic.

Reply 11 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

It's not the color temperature of the bulbs that cause the glare, but instead the foglight housing. Those housings were meant for regular halogen bulbs to be used, not HIDs. HIDs produce an arc of light rather than have a current pass through a filament. Where the arc of light is produced compared to that of where the filament is in a bulb is a bit different in the housing, that is why you have glare from HIDs.

Reply 12 : would it be overkill to get 55w 3k HID for fogs?

Gotcha. It's just that I thought the lower the Kelvin the dimmer the bulbs. I didn't know it was just color. I also thought slightly dimmer bulbs might emit less glare.

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